Business & Tourism Creswick Inc.

Tremearne House

 In Water Street, near Hammond Park oval, is Tremearne House (1881), now occupied by the Creswick campus of Melbourne University, Dept. of Forest and Ecosystem Science, but previously by Victoria School of Forestry. Tremearne House Ballastrade Creswick - Creswick Victoria 3363

Tremearne House is a gracious two-storey red-brick building with elegant double height verandahs boasting some fine cast-iron lacework and overall asymmetrical facade. 

It was built in 1881 by Dr John Tremearne, who was the resident medical officer at the Creswick Hospital from 1872 to 1888, after which he started private practice in Creswick. In 1902 he moved to Melbourne. The house was sold to the State Forestry Department in 1909 and used for lectures by the new Forestry School. Dr Tremearne introduced X-Ray equipment to the hospital in the late 1880's.

The hospital building(1863) is also found within the campus grounds on what was known as Eastern Hill and is now used as a campus library. It used to overlook the township but trees now obstruct the view. In 1912 it ceased to function as a hospital and became part of the Forestry School.

Tremearne House Creswick  - Creswick Victoria 3363

Photograph: Tremearne House taken in the current era.


The public are permitted to stroll through the campus grounds to view these buildings